Shorts Prog 14: The Green Hearts

Shorts Block

October 28, 2023

New Land: The Kalinago Dream
Dir. by Teddy Dwight Frederick
Dominica | Germany

New Land chronicles the stories of resistance, resilience, survival, and celebration of the Kalinago Territory that are told in their voices and from their perspectives. The story unfolds around the life of Honorable Minister Cozier Frederick as the first representative of the Kalinago in the Dominica national government who is working towards the improvement of the socio -economic condition, the preservation and promotion of the cultural heritage of the people of the Kalinago Territory …Read More


The March Onwards
Dir. by Alex and Victoria Arjoon

Torn between traditional crab-catching activities, the preservation of a fragile and unique natural environment, and the opportunity to exploit a state-sponsored drive for large-scale agriculture, the main characters find their stories and fates increasingly intertwined … Read More