Shorts Prog 4: The Magical Ones

Shorts Block

October 29, 2023

Dir. Micheal Jenkins

Leon is a mixed-race teenager close to his grandmother, the only person he knows from the Jamaican side of his family. When he goes to her Nine Nights and meets the rest of his family for the first time, he begins to understand that identity is more than skin deep…Read More

Dir. Samuel Suffren

Myrlande lives in a seaside village in Haiti. Six months pregnant, she awaits news of her husband, who left on a boat for the United States in search of a better life for his family…Read More


Dir. Enricka MH

After her grandfather is a paralyzed by a stroke, fifteen-year-old Nora goes with her mother and little sister to stay with him. This awakens childhood memories in Nora, who begins to fear an attack by an evil spirit…Read More


Nosferasta: First Bite
Dir. Adam Khalil, Bayley Sweitzer & Oba

Christopher Columbus uses his undead powers to create his “New World”, where he sucks the blood out of his colonial project for centuries. Complicit in this is Oba, a shipwrecked African who, once bitten, becomes Columbus’s subject and collaborator…Read More


Dir. Rodney Llaverías
Dominican Republic

Dolores, relegated to the caretaking of her crazed and ailing mother, has her life upended when a strange dog shows up at her house. Through this new friendship, Dolores finds a way out of monotony and embraces her wild side…Read More