Shorts Prog 1: The Queer Ones

Shorts Block

October 27, 2023

Eating Papaw on the Seashore
Dir. Nikose Layne & Rae Wiltshire

A coming-of-age film about two queer Guyanese boys who are navigating their feelings in a homophobic society…Read More


Dir. Tricia Collins

Clinch, is a violent love story between two professional female boxers who must fight each other for a championship title…Read More


Dir. Felene Cayetano

Isieni and Miriam, a young couple, pack for vacation. On the road trip they each learn more about what the other really wants. Their relationship has lasted three years, but will it survive this road trip?…Read More


Sugar Free
Dir. Brittany Misir

Struggling to navigate adulthood and sexuality, Candy painfully returns to her childhood home. However after a moment of impossibility, Candy finds herself pouring her secrets out to a group of dazzling strangers…Read More


Los Cimarrones
Dir. Damian Sainz-Edwards

The night finds Orestes in a thick tropical forest holding a machete and looking furiously for Damián, his younger brother. Orestes discovers his brother having sex with another man. What happens next will change the brothers’ lives forever…Read More